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The Prevalence of Stereotypes

One of the points that was really highlighted for me while reading  Angry Black White Boy  was the feeling of how America is full of stereotypes of all kinds when you think about people of different races. Whether you like it or not, stereotypes play at least a tiny part in the average person’s life. It may only affect us in miniscule ways that we fail to notice, but when people think of a (insert race here) person, the first things that come to mind are generally stereotypes. Now you may think “ That’s not true! I’m not some racist person like that!” I’ll fully accept your denial of listening to the stereotypes that the media has highlighted and even promoted at times. But do remember: the population of Uni students and faculty are considerably more cultured and open-minded than the majority of the world. But there’s no denying the fact that when you think of people of race X , the experiences we’ve had with people of race X heavily influence our ideas and preconceptio

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